Thursday, February 17, 2011

Don't Forget Mixing!

Good work so far on your movie trailers! There are definitely great projects in the works! Just a reminder for you all: Don't Forget Mixing! Once you have your sounds in the right places, your dialogue recorded and your music produced, it's time to work on the different audio volumes, panning and FX. If you recorded any live audio and want to make adjustments to the pitch, here's how!

1. Use the Grabber Tool to select the specific audio file.

2. Go to the AudioSuite menu at the top of the screen in Pro Tools.

3. Select Pitch -> Time Shift.

4. Under the Time Shift feature, notice pitch on the bottom right. Adjust the pitch knob to the left for a deeper voice and to the right for a brighter voice.

5. Make sure that you preview the audio so you know it sounds like what you're looking for. After that, click Process.

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