Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hey Audio A Students,

We've been doing a great job so far working on our projects and recording. There's a few announcements that need to be made for this week.

1. Friday, March 18 - Makeup Lab (also a time to schedule personal recording projects in the DAS...). Chris Runde (of Audio B) will be running this make-up lab. If you would like to use this time to work on any new music, make-up music, or schedule sometime to work on music in the DAS, we must know ASAP so that we can notify Chris.

2. Tuesday, March 22 - Job Readiness Workshop (this is a mandatory class for all Digital Pathways students. If you absolutely CAN'T make it on that day, you must email Felice and ask her how you can make it up - felice@bavc.org)

3. Thursday, March 24 - BAVC is having a Members Event and needs help recording audio for a podcast. This would be first hand experience recording a live event to be broadcasted on the internet. You would be assisting Chris Runde for this assignment. Any students interested should let us know ASAP so that we can notify Chris Runde.

4. March 28-April 1 - Spring Break. No Class! However, if anyone would like to schedule time for recording sessions during the week, talk to me and we'll see what we can work out. The sooner the better - DON'T call me up randomly in the middle of the week and be like, "Can I come through right now?" Chris Runde will be in attendance in this office throughout the Spring Break.

5. After Spring Break we will begin working on a collaborative project with students from 3D Gaming. 3D Gaming is looking for music and sounds for their projects and they'll be needing assistance from us! More information on this project will be available when we arrive from Spring Break.

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